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7 Reasons to Apply for a Ph.D. in Physics at New York University


Updated: Jan 11, 2024

Are you considering pursuing a Ph.D. in Physics in the US? Here I list 7 reasons why NYU is a great place to do research in physics and why you should apply to their program until December 30th.

1. Curriculum

The curriculum of the Ph.D. program in Physics at NYU includes necessary core courses, such as Classical Quantum Mechanics, Computational Physics, Statistical Physics, Electromagnetism, but also a list of elective courses that you can take in the Physics department or in other departments, as long as the courses are relevant to your research. Such courses include Quantum Computing, Biophysics, Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics, General Relativity, High Energy Astrophysics, etc. Evaluation comes in different forms, like written and oral exams, homework, presentations and projects, depending on the course and on the instructors, who regularly assist students in their questions. Fall 2023 Graduate Course Schedule (

2. Inter-University Doctoral Consortium

Adding to point 1, NYU has consortium agreements with other universities in New York and New Jersey, including Princeton and Colombia. Students enrolled in NYU Physics are allowed to take courses from other universities in the consortium list: Inter-University Doctoral Consortium ( Since I am a quantum person, I have used this opportunity to take Quantum Information Science at CUNY. However, this year NYU Physics is offering a quantum computing course in the Spring 2024 term.

3. Excellent Research Centers

The department of Physics at NYU is comprised of these research centers:

  • Applied Mathematical Physics and Fluid Dynamics

  • Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics (CCPP)

  • Center for Quantum Information Physics (CQIP)

  • Center for Quantum Phenomena (CQP)

  • Center for Soft Matter Research

  • Experimental Elementary Particle Physics

These centers cover a broad range of physics subfields. Each of them regularly invites scientists and experts of the fields to give seminars at NYU, where students have the opportunity to learn and ask questions. At CQP and the new CQIP center, there is close collaboration with partners like IBM and the Flatiron Institute, also located in New York City (a short walk from the NYU Physics building).

4. Entry Requirements

Every international student has to show proof of English knowledge. This can be done by sending your Toefl or IELTS scores, or, if you have already completed (or expect to complete) a bachelor's or master's degree in an institution where the language of instruction was English, this requirement can be waived for you.

You don't need to take any entry exams of any kind, however, admitted Ph.D. students will need to enter an Oral Qualifying Exam on the third year of their studies, to present to the department the research they are doing and the potential for results by the end of their Ph.D. studies.

5. Financial Support :)

I should have probably listed this in the beginning of the article: every admitted student will benefit from the MacCracken package, which provides students with a full-tuition scholarship and a monthly stipend. So, basically you will be taking courses, doing research and receiving a monthly salary.

The scholarship covers the period from September to May for four years, but the program offers alternative funding during the summer; students can receive funding from their research advisors, or they can teach undergraduate courses, for which the salaries are quite generous. You can find more information on this link: Financial Aid (

6. The New York Experience

NYU Physics is located next to Washington Square Park and is well-connected to every part of Manhattan via several subway lines. Do you want to celebrate with your friends because you successfully passed all your first semester courses? Take the N train to Times Square and have some pizza and nice beers with them! Do you feel like Physics is kinda draining your soul after an intensive period of learning and research? Not a problem at all, go to a Broadway show near Times Square, or read a nice novel at Barnes and Nobel (10 minutes' walk from our department). Has your gf/bf broken your heart? No problem, there are so many Drag Shows and comedians in the area that can cheer you up, and so many restaurants with international cuisines. Do you want to feel even more connected to science? Try the American Museum of Natural History! It would require hundreds of voluminous books to describe the New York experience properly, but all of us can agree on one thing: you never get bored here, there is always something for you.

7. NYU itself

NYU itself is one of the best reasons why you should consider applying for Physics here. NYU offers so many activities, events and clubs that you will feel you are a part of a world inside of a big city. The Physics department has an attractive social life, we do Crack talks every Friday (where you talk about anything except for Physics), we have the NYU WiPhy group which supports female students, we hold receptions with amazing food and drinks when well-known scientists come to visit us, but there is so much more beyond our department.

NYU cares about the backgrounds and interests of its students. You will find organizations that support international students, the LGBTQ+ Center, the Leslie eLab for students interested in entrepreneurship, or the Moses Center for student accessibility which provides services for undergraduate and graduate students (and other students enrolled in an NYU course) with hearing and visual, mobility, learning and attention, chronic illness, psychological and temporary needs. NYU also offers a list of various sports, and free access to the gym.

The study facilities at NYU are excellent. Bobst Library was my favorite place during my first year in New York - it stays opened 24 hours, with huge spaces to fit the needs of all students, and a very professional security team.

NYU, besides being highly ranked in all ranking websites, it is also an institution that nourishes a culture of support, academic growth, understanding and mutual respect.

All in all, it is a great place to do physics. If my article has convinced you, this is the link to apply until December 30th:


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